Source: util/PolygonSplitter.js

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    function (HashMap,
              WWMath) {
        'use strict';

         * Splits polygons that cross the anti-meridian and/or contain a pole.
         * @exports PolygonSplitter

        var PolygonSplitter = {

            //Keeps track of the index of added points so that no point is duplicated
            addedIndex: -1,

            //The index where pole insertion began
            poleIndexOffset: -1,

             * Splits an array of polygons that cross the anti-meridian or contain a pole.
             * @param {Array} contours an array of arrays of Locations or Positions
             * Each array entry defines one of this polygon's boundaries.
             * @param {Array} resultContours an empty array to put the result of the split. Each element will have the
             * shape of PolygonSplitter.formatContourOutput
             * @returns {Boolean} true if one of the boundaries crosses the anti-meridian otherwise false
             * */
            splitContours: function (contours, resultContours) {
                var doesCross = false;

                for (var i = 0, len = contours.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var contourInfo = this.splitContour(contours[i]);
                    if (contourInfo.polygons.length > 1) {
                        doesCross = true;

                return doesCross;

             * Splits a polygon that cross the anti-meridian or contain a pole.
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} points an array of Locations or Positions that define a polygon
             * @returns {Object} @see PolygonSplitter.formatContourOutput
             * */
            splitContour: function (points) {
                var iMap = new HashMap();
                var newPoints = [];
                var intersections = [];
                var polygons = [];
                var iMaps = [];
                var poleIndex = -1;

                var pole = this.findIntersectionAndPole(points, newPoints, intersections, iMap);

                if (intersections.length === 0) {
                    return this.formatContourOutput(polygons, pole, poleIndex, iMaps);

                if (intersections.length > 2) {
                    intersections.sort(function (a, b) {
                        return b.latitude - a.latitude;

                if (pole !== Location.poles.NONE) {
                    newPoints = this.handleOnePole(newPoints, intersections, iMap, pole);
                    iMap = this.reindexIntersections(intersections, iMap, this.poleIndexOffset);
                if (intersections.length === 0) {
                    poleIndex = 0;
                    return this.formatContourOutput(polygons, pole, poleIndex, iMaps);

                this.linkIntersections(intersections, iMap);

                poleIndex = this.makePolygons(newPoints, intersections, iMap, polygons, iMaps);

                return this.formatContourOutput(polygons, pole, poleIndex, iMaps);

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * Finds the intersections with the anti-meridian and if the polygon contains one of the poles.
             * A new polygon is constructed with the intersections and pole points and stored in newPoints
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} points An array of Locations or Positions that define a polygon
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} newPoints An empty array where to store the resulting polygon with intersections
             * @param {Array} intersections An empty array where to store the intersection latitude and index
             * @param {HashMap} iMap A hashMap to store intersection data
             * The key is the index in the newPoints array and value is PolygonSplitter.makeIntersectionEntry
             * @returns {Number} The pole number @see Location.poles
             * */
            findIntersectionAndPole: function (points, newPoints, intersections, iMap) {
                var containsPole = false;
                var minLatitude = 90.0;
                var maxLatitude = -90.0;
                this.addedIndex = -1;

                for (var i = 0, lenC = points.length; i < lenC; i++) {
                    var pt1 = points[i];
                    var pt2 = points[(i + 1) % lenC];

                    minLatitude = Math.min(minLatitude, pt1.latitude);
                    maxLatitude = Math.max(maxLatitude, pt1.latitude);

                    var doesCross = Location.locationsCrossDateLine([pt1, pt2]);
                    if (doesCross) {
                        containsPole = !containsPole;

                        var iLatitude = Location.meridianIntersection(pt1, pt2, 180);
                        if (iLatitude === null) {
                            iLatitude = (pt1.latitude + pt2.latitude) / 2;
                        var iLongitude = WWMath.signum(pt1.longitude) * 180 || 180;

                        var iLoc1 = this.createPoint(iLatitude, iLongitude, pt1.altitude);
                        var iLoc2 = this.createPoint(iLatitude, -iLongitude, pt2.altitude);

                        this.safeAdd(newPoints, pt1, i, lenC);

                        var index = newPoints.length;
                        iMap.set(index, this.makeIntersectionEntry(index));
                        iMap.set(index + 1, this.makeIntersectionEntry(index + 1));
                            indexEnd: index,
                            indexStart: index + 1,
                            latitude: iLatitude


                        this.safeAdd(newPoints, pt2, i + 1, lenC);
                    else {
                        this.safeAdd(newPoints, pt1, i, lenC);
                        this.safeAdd(newPoints, pt2, i + 1, lenC);

                var pole = Location.poles.NONE;
                if (containsPole) {
                    pole = this.determinePole(minLatitude, maxLatitude);

                return pole;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * Determine which pole is enclosed. If the shape is entirely in one hemisphere, then assume that it encloses
             * the pole in that hemisphere. Otherwise, assume that it encloses the pole that is closest to the shape's
             * extreme latitude.
             * @param {Number} minLatitude The minimum latitude of a polygon that contains a pole
             * @param {Number} maxLatitude The maximum latitude of a polygon that contains a pole
             * @returns {Number} The pole number @see Location.poles
             * */
            determinePole: function (minLatitude, maxLatitude) {
                var pole;
                if (minLatitude > 0) {
                    pole = Location.poles.NORTH; // Entirely in Northern Hemisphere.
                else if (maxLatitude < 0) {
                    pole = Location.poles.SOUTH; // Entirely in Southern Hemisphere.
                else if (Math.abs(maxLatitude) >= Math.abs(minLatitude)) {
                    pole = Location.poles.NORTH; // Spans equator, but more north than south.
                else {
                    pole = Location.poles.SOUTH; // Spans equator, but more south than north.
                return pole;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * Creates a new array of points containing the two pole locations on both sides of the anti-meridian
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} points
             * @param {Array} intersections
             * @param {HashMap} iMap
             * @param {Number} pole
             * @return {Object} an object containing the new points and a new reIndexed iMap
             * */
            handleOnePole: function (points, intersections, iMap, pole) {
                var pointsClone;

                if (pole === Location.poles.NORTH) {
                    var intersection = intersections.shift();
                    var poleLat = 90;
                else if (pole === Location.poles.SOUTH) {
                    intersection = intersections.pop();
                    poleLat = -90;

                var iEnd = iMap.get(intersection.indexEnd);
                var iStart = iMap.get(intersection.indexStart);
                iEnd.forPole = true;
                iStart.forPole = true;

                this.poleIndexOffset = intersection.indexStart;

                pointsClone = points.slice(0, intersection.indexEnd + 1);
                var polePoint1 = this.createPoint(poleLat, points[iEnd.index].longitude, points[iEnd.index].altitude);
                var polePoint2 = this.createPoint(poleLat, points[iStart.index].longitude, points[iStart.index].altitude);
                pointsClone.push(polePoint1, polePoint2);
                pointsClone = pointsClone.concat(points.slice(this.poleIndexOffset));

                return pointsClone;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * Links adjacents pairs of intersection by index
             * @param {Array} intersections
             * @param {HashMap} iMap
             * */
            linkIntersections: function (intersections, iMap) {
                for (var i = 0; i < intersections.length - 1; i += 2) {
                    var i0 = intersections[i];
                    var i1 = intersections[i + 1];

                    var iEnd0 = iMap.get(i0.indexEnd);
                    var iStart0 = iMap.get(i0.indexStart);
                    var iEnd1 = iMap.get(i1.indexEnd);
                    var iStart1 = iMap.get(i1.indexStart);

                    iEnd0.linkTo = i1.indexStart;
                    iStart0.linkTo = i1.indexEnd;
                    iEnd1.linkTo = i0.indexStart;
                    iStart1.linkTo = i0.indexEnd;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * ReIndexes the intersections due to the poles being added to the array of points
             * @param {Array} intersections
             * @param {HashMap} iMap
             * @param {Number} indexOffset the index from which to start reIndexing
             * @returns {HashMap} a new hash map with the correct indices
             * */
            reindexIntersections: function (intersections, iMap, indexOffset) {
                iMap = HashMap.reIndex(iMap, indexOffset, 2);

                for (var i = 0, len = intersections.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (intersections[i].indexEnd >= indexOffset) {
                        intersections[i].indexEnd += 2;
                    if (intersections[i].indexStart >= indexOffset) {
                        intersections[i].indexStart += 2;

                return iMap;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} points
             * @param {Array} intersections
             * @param {HashMap} iMap
             * @param {Array} polygons an empty array to store the resulting polygons
             * @param {HashMap[]} iMaps an empty array to store the resulting hasp maps for each polygon
             * @returns {Number} the pole number @see Location.poles
             * */
            makePolygons: function (points, intersections, iMap, polygons, iMaps) {
                var poleIndex = -1;
                for (var i = 0; i < intersections.length - 1; i += 2) {
                    var i0 = intersections[i];
                    var i1 = intersections[i + 1];

                    var start = i0.indexStart;
                    var end = i1.indexEnd;
                    var polygon = [];
                    var polygonHashMap = new HashMap();
                    var containsPole = this.makePolygon(start, end, points, iMap, polygon, polygonHashMap);
                    if (polygon.length) {
                        if (containsPole) {
                            poleIndex = polygons.length - 1;

                    start = i1.indexStart;
                    end = i0.indexEnd;
                    polygon = [];
                    polygonHashMap = new HashMap();
                    containsPole = this.makePolygon(start, end, points, iMap, polygon, polygonHashMap);
                    if (polygon.length) {
                        if (containsPole) {
                            poleIndex = polygons.length - 1;

                return poleIndex;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * Paths from a start intersection index to an end intersection index and makes a polygon and a hashMap
             * with the intersection indices
             * @param {Number} start the index of a start type intersection
             * @param {Number} end the index of an end type intersection
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} points
             * @param {HashMap} iMap
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} resultPolygon an empty array to store the resulting polygon
             * @param {HashMap} polygonHashMap a hash map to record the indices of the intersections in the polygon
             * @returns {Boolean} true if the polygon contains a pole
             * */
            makePolygon: function (start, end, points, iMap, resultPolygon, polygonHashMap) {
                var pass = false;
                var len = points.length;
                var containsPole = false;

                if (end < start) {
                    end += len;

                for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                    var idx = i % len;
                    var pt = points[idx];
                    var intersection = iMap.get(idx);

                    if (intersection) {
                        if (intersection.visited) {

                        polygonHashMap.set(resultPolygon.length - 1, intersection);

                        if (intersection.forPole) {
                            containsPole = true;
                        else {
                            if (pass) {
                                i = intersection.linkTo - 1;
                                if (i + 1 === start) {
                            pass = !pass;
                            intersection.visited = true;
                    else {

                return containsPole;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * Adds an element to an array preventing duplication
             * @param {Location[] | Position[]} points
             * @param {Location | Position} point
             * @param {Number} index The index of the Point from the source array
             * @param {Number} len The length of the source array
             * */
            safeAdd: function (points, point, index, len) {
                if (this.addedIndex < index && this.addedIndex < len - 1) {
                    this.addedIndex = index;

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * Creates a Location or a Position
             * @param {Number} latitude
             * @param {Number} longitude
             * @param {Number} altitude
             * @returns Location | Position
             * */
            createPoint: function (latitude, longitude, altitude) {
                if (altitude == null) {
                    return new Location(latitude, longitude);
                return new Position(latitude, longitude, altitude);

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * @param {Array} polygons an array of arrays of Locations or Positions
             * @param {Number} pole the pole number @see Location.poles
             * @param {Number} poleIndex the index of the polygon containing the pole
             * @param {HashMap[]} iMaps an array of hash maps for each polygon
             * */
            formatContourOutput: function (polygons, pole, poleIndex, iMaps) {
                return {
                    polygons: polygons,
                    pole: pole,
                    poleIndex: poleIndex,
                    iMap: iMaps

             * Internal. Applications should not call this method.
             * @param {Number} index the index of the intersection in the array of points
             * */
            makeIntersectionEntry: function (index) {
                if (index == null) {
                    index = -1;
                return {
                    visited: false,
                    forPole: false,
                    index: index,
                    linkTo: -1

        return PolygonSplitter;
