Source: shapes/SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
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 * All rights reserved.
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
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 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
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 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports SurfaceShapeTileBuilder
    function (ArgumentError,
              Tile) {
        "use strict";

        var SurfaceShapeTileBuilder = function () {
            // Parameterize top level subdivision in one place.

            // TilesInTopLevel describes the most coarse tile structure.
            this.numRowsTilesInTopLevel = 4;
            this.numColumnsTilesInTopLevel = 8;

            // The maximum number of levels that will ever be tessellated.
            this.maximumSubdivisionDepth = 15;

            // tileWidth, tileHeight - the number of subdivisions a single tile has; this determines the sampling grid.
            this.tileWidth = 256;
            this.tileHeight = 256;

             * The collection of levels.
             * @type {LevelSet}
            this.levels = new LevelSet(
                new Location(
                    180 / this.numRowsTilesInTopLevel,
                    360 / this.numColumnsTilesInTopLevel),

             * The collection of surface shapes processed by this class.
             * @type {SurfaceShape[]}
            this.surfaceShapes = [];

             * The collection of surface shape tiles that actually contain surface shapes.
             * @type {SurfaceShapeTile[]}
            this.surfaceShapeTiles = [];

             * The collection of top level surface shape tiles, from which actual tiles are derived.
             * @type {SurfaceShapeTile[]}
            this.topLevelTiles = [];

             * Accumulator of all sectors for surface shapes
             * @type {Sector}
            this.sector = new Sector(-90, 90, -180, 180);

             * The default split scale. The split scale 2.9 has been empirically determined to render sharp lines and edges with
             * the SurfaceShapes such as SurfacePolyline and SurfacePolygon.
             * @type {Number}
            this.detailControl = 1.25;

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.tileCache = new MemoryCache(500000, 400000);

         * Clear all transient state from the surface shape tile builder.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.clear = function () {
            this.surfaceShapeTiles.splice(0, this.surfaceShapeTiles.length);
            this.surfaceShapes.splice(0, this.surfaceShapes.length);

         * Insert a surface shape to be rendered into the surface shape tile builder.
         * @param {SurfaceShape} surfaceShape A surfave shape to be processed.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.insertSurfaceShape = function (surfaceShape) {

         * Perform the rendering of any accumulated surface shapes by building the surface shape tiles that contain these
         * shapes and then rendering those tiles.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The drawing context.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.doRender = function (dc) {
            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                // Picking rendering strategy:
                //  1) save all tiles created prior to picking,
                //  2) construct and render new tiles with pick-based contents (colored with pick IDs),
                //  3) restore all prior tiles.
                // This has a big potential win for normal rendering, since there is a lot of coherence
                // from frame to frame if no picking is occurring.
                for (var idx = 0, len = this.surfaceShapes.length; idx < len; idx += 1) {

                SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.pickSequence += 1;

                var savedTiles = this.surfaceShapeTiles;
                var savedTopLevelTiles = this.topLevelTiles;

                this.surfaceShapeTiles = [];
                this.topLevelTiles = [];


                if (dc.deepPicking) {
                    // Normally, we render all shapes together in one tile (or a small number, but this detail
                    // doesn't matter). For deep picking, we need to render each shape individually.

                } else {
                    dc.surfaceTileRenderer.renderTiles(dc, this.surfaceShapeTiles, 1);

                this.surfaceShapeTiles = savedTiles;
                this.topLevelTiles = savedTopLevelTiles;
            } else {

                dc.surfaceTileRenderer.renderTiles(dc, this.surfaceShapeTiles, 1);

        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.doDeepPickingRender = function (dc) {
            var idxTile, lenTiles, idxShape, lenShapes, idxPick, lenPicks, po, shape, tile;

            // Determine the shapes that were drawn during buildTiles. These shapes may not actually be
            // at the pick point, but they are candidates for deep picking.
            var deepPickShapes = [];
            for (idxPick = 0, lenPicks = dc.objectsAtPickPoint.objects.length; idxPick < lenPicks; idxPick += 1) {
                po = dc.objectsAtPickPoint.objects[idxPick];
                if (po.userObject instanceof SurfaceShape) {
                    shape = po.userObject;

                    // If the shape was not already in the collection of deep picked shapes, ...
                    if (deepPickShapes.indexOf(shape) < 0) {

                        // Delete the shape that was drawn during buildTiles from the pick list.
                        dc.objectsAtPickPoint.objects.splice(idxPick, 1);

                        // Update the index and length to reflect the deletion.
                        idxPick -= 1;
                        lenPicks -= 1;

            if (deepPickShapes.length <= 0) {

            // For all shapes,
            //  1) force that shape to be the only shape in a tile,
            //  2) re-render the tile, and
            //  3) use the surfaceTileRenderer to render the tile on the terrain,
            //  4) read the color to see if it is attributable to the current shape.
            var resolvablePickObjects = [];
            for (idxShape = 0, lenShapes = deepPickShapes.length; idxShape < lenShapes; idxShape += 1) {
                shape = deepPickShapes[idxShape];
                for (idxTile = 0, lenTiles = this.surfaceShapeTiles.length; idxTile < lenTiles; idxTile += 1) {
                    tile = this.surfaceShapeTiles[idxTile];

                dc.surfaceTileRenderer.renderTiles(dc, this.surfaceShapeTiles, 1);

                var pickColor = dc.readPickColor(dc.pickPoint);
                if (!!pickColor && shape.pickColor.equals(pickColor)) {
                    po = new PickedObject(shape.pickColor.clone(),
                        shape.pickDelegate ? shape.pickDelegate : shape, null, shape.layer, false);

            // Flush surface shapes that have accumulated in the updateTexture pass just completed on all shapes.
            for (idxPick = 0, lenPicks = dc.objectsAtPickPoint.objects.length; idxPick < lenPicks; idxPick += 1) {
                po = dc.objectsAtPickPoint.objects[idxPick];
                if (po.userObject instanceof SurfaceShape) {
                    // Delete the shape that was picked in the most recent pass.
                    dc.objectsAtPickPoint.objects.splice(idxPick, 1);

                    // Update the index and length to reflect the deletion.
                    idxPick -= 1;
                    lenPicks -= 1;

            // Add the resolvable pick objects for surface shapes that were actually visible at the pick point
            // to the pick list.
            for (idxPick = 0, lenPicks = resolvablePickObjects.length; idxPick < lenPicks; idxPick += 1) {
                po = resolvablePickObjects[idxPick];

         * Assembles the surface tiles and draws any surface shapes that have been accumulated into those offscreen tiles. The
         * surface tiles are assembled to meet the necessary resolution of to the draw context's.
         * <p/>
         * This does nothing if there are no surface shapes associated with this builder.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The draw context to build tiles for.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the draw context is null.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.buildTiles = function (dc) {
            if (!dc) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "SurfaceShapeTileBuilder", "buildTiles", "missingDc"));

            if (!this.surfaceShapes || this.surfaceShapes.length < 1) {

            // Assemble the current visible tiles and update their associated textures if necessary.

            // Clean up references to all surface shapes to avoid dangling references. The surface shape list is no
            // longer needed, now that the shapes are held by each tile.
            this.surfaceShapes.splice(0, this.surfaceShapes.length);
            for (var idx = 0, len = this.surfaceShapeTiles.length; idx < len; idx += 1) {
                var tile = this.surfaceShapeTiles[idx];

         * Assembles a set of surface tiles that are visible in the specified DrawContext and meet the tile builder's
         * resolution criteria. Tiles are culled against the current surface shape list, against the DrawContext's view
         * frustum during rendering mode, and against the DrawContext's pick frustums during picking mode. If a tile does
         * not meet the tile builder's resolution criteria, it's split into four sub-tiles and the process recursively
         * repeated on the sub-tiles.
         * <p/>
         * During assembly, each surface shape in {@link #surfaceShapes} is sorted into the tiles they
         * intersect. The top level tiles are used as an index to quickly determine which tiles each shape intersects.
         * Surface shapes are sorted into sub-tiles by simple intersection tests, and are added to each tile's surface
         * renderable list at most once. See {@link SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.SurfaceShapeTile#addSurfaceShape(SurfaceShape,
         * gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector)}. Tiles that don't intersect any surface shapes are discarded.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The DrawContext to assemble tiles for.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.assembleTiles = function (dc) {
            var tile, idxShape, lenShapes, idxTile, lenTiles, idxSector, lenSectors;

            // Create a set of top level tiles only if that set doesn't exist yet.
            if (this.topLevelTiles.length < 1) {

            // Store the top level tiles in a set to ensure that each top level tile is added only once. Store the tiles
            // that intersect each surface shape in a set to ensure that each object is added to a tile at most once.
            var intersectingTiles = {};

            // Iterate over the current surface shapes, adding each surface shape to the top level tiles that it
            // intersects. This produces a set of top level tiles containing the surface shapes that intersect each
            // tile. We use the tile structure as an index to quickly determine the tiles a surface shape intersects,
            // and add object to those tiles. This has the effect of quickly sorting the objects into the top level tiles.
            // We collect the top level tiles in a HashSet to ensure there are no duplicates when multiple objects intersect
            // the same top level tiles.
            for (idxShape = 0, lenShapes = this.surfaceShapes.length; idxShape < lenShapes; idxShape += 1) {
                var surfaceShape = this.surfaceShapes[idxShape];

                var sectors = surfaceShape.computeSectors(dc);
                if (!sectors) {

                for (idxSector = 0, lenSectors = sectors.length; idxSector < lenSectors; idxSector += 1) {
                    var sector = sectors[idxSector];

                    for (idxTile = 0, lenTiles = this.topLevelTiles.length; idxTile < lenTiles; idxTile += 1) {
                        tile = this.topLevelTiles[idxTile];

                        if (tile.sector.intersects(sector)) {
                            var cacheKey = tile.tileKey;
                            intersectingTiles[cacheKey] = tile;

            // Add each top level tile or its descendants to the current tile list.
            //for (var idxTile = 0, lenTiles = this.topLevelTiles.length; idxTile < lenTiles; idxTile += 1) {
            for (var key in intersectingTiles) {
                if (intersectingTiles.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    tile = intersectingTiles[key];

                    this.addTileOrDescendants(dc, this.levels, null, tile);

         * Potentially adds the specified tile or its descendants to the tile builder's surface shape tile collection.
         * The tile and its descendants are discarded if the tile is not visible or does not intersect any surface shapes in the
         * parent's surface shape list.
         * <p/>
         * If the tile meet the tile builder's resolution criteria it's added to the tile builder's
         * <code>currentTiles</code> list. Otherwise, it's split into four sub-tiles and each tile is recursively processed.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc              The current DrawContext.
         * @param {LevelSet} levels             The tile's LevelSet.
         * @param {SurfaceShapeTile} parentTile The tile's parent, or null if the tile is a top level tile.
         * @param {SurfaceShapeTile} tile       The tile to add.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.addTileOrDescendants = function (dc, levels, parentTile, tile) {
            // Ignore this tile if it falls completely outside the frustum. This may be the viewing frustum or the pick
            // frustum, depending on the implementation.
            if (!this.intersectsFrustum(dc, tile)) {
                // This tile is not added to the current tile list, so we clear it's object list to prepare it for use
                // during the next frame.

            // If the parent tile is not null, add any parent surface shapes that intersect this tile.
            if (parentTile != null) {
                this.addIntersectingShapes(dc, parentTile, tile);

            // Ignore tiles that do not intersect any surface shapes.
            if (!tile.hasShapes()) {

            // If this tile meets the current rendering criteria, add it to the current tile list. This tile's object list
            // is cleared after the tile update operation.
            if (this.meetsRenderCriteria(dc, levels, tile)) {
                this.addTile(dc, tile);

            var nextLevel = levels.level(tile.level.levelNumber + 1);
            var subTiles = dc.pickingMode ?
                tile.subdivide(nextLevel, this) :
                tile.subdivideToCache(nextLevel, this, this.tileCache);
            for (var idxTile = 0, lenTiles = subTiles.length; idxTile < lenTiles; idxTile += 1) {
                var subTile = subTiles[idxTile];
                this.addTileOrDescendants(dc, levels, tile, subTile);

            // This tile is not added to the current tile list, so we clear it's object list to prepare it for use during
            // the next frame.

         * Adds surface shapes from the parent's object list to the specified tile's object list. Adds any of the
         * parent's surface shapes that intersect the tile's sector to the tile's object list.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc              The current DrawContext.
         * @param {SurfaceShapeTile} parentTile The tile's parent.
         * @param {SurfaceShapeTile} tile       The tile to add intersecting surface shapes to.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.addIntersectingShapes = function (dc, parentTile, tile) {
            var shapes = parentTile.getShapes();
            for (var idxShape = 0, lenShapes = shapes.length; idxShape < lenShapes; idxShape += 1) {
                var shape = shapes[idxShape];

                var sectors = shape.computeSectors(dc);
                if (!sectors) {

                // Test intersection against each of the surface shape's sectors. We break after finding an
                // intersection to avoid adding the same object to the tile more than once.
                for (var idxSector = 0, lenSectors = sectors.length; idxSector < lenSectors; idxSector += 1) {
                    var sector = sectors[idxSector];

                    if (tile.getSector().intersects(sector)) {

         * Adds the specified tile to this tile builder's surface tile collection.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The draw context.
         * @param {SurfaceShapeTile} tile The tile to add.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.addTile = function (dc, tile) {
            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                tile.pickSequence = SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.pickSequence;

            if (tile.needsUpdate(dc)) {


         * Internal use only.
         * Returns a new SurfaceObjectTile corresponding to the specified {@code sector}, {@code level}, {@code row},
         * and {@code column}.
         * CAUTION: it is assumed that there exists a single SurfaceShapeTileBuilder. This algorithm might be invalid if there
         * are more of them (or it might actually work, although it hasn't been tested in that context).
         * @param {Sector} sector       The tile's Sector.
         * @param {Level} level         The tile's Level in a {@link LevelSet}.
         * @param {Number} row          The tile's row in the Level, starting from 0 and increasing to the right.
         * @param {Number} column       The tile's column in the Level, starting from 0 and increasing upward.
         * @return {SurfaceShapeTile} a new SurfaceShapeTile.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.createTile = function (sector, level, row, column) {
            return new SurfaceShapeTile(sector, level, row, column);

        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.createTopLevelTiles = function () {
            Tile.createTilesForLevel(this.levels.firstLevel(), this, this.topLevelTiles);

         * Test if the tile intersects the specified draw context's frustum. During picking mode, this tests intersection
         * against all of the draw context's pick frustums. During rendering mode, this tests intersection against the draw
         * context's viewing frustum.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc   The draw context the surface shape is related to.
         * @param {SurfaceShapeTile} tile The tile to test for intersection.
         * @return {Boolean} true if the tile intersects the draw context's frustum; false otherwise.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.intersectsFrustum = function (dc, tile) {
            if (dc.globe.projectionLimits && !tile.sector.overlaps(dc.globe.projectionLimits)) {
                return false;


            return tile.extent.intersectsFrustum(dc.pickingMode ? dc.pickFrustum : dc.frustumInModelCoordinates);

         * Tests if the specified tile meets the rendering criteria on the specified draw context. This returns true if the
         * tile is from the level set's final level, or if the tile achieves the desired resolution on the draw context.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc          The current draw context.
         * @param {LevelSet} levels         The level set the tile belongs to.
         * @param {SurfaceShapeTile} tile   The tile to test.
         * @return {Boolean} true if the tile meets the rendering criteria; false otherwise.
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.prototype.meetsRenderCriteria = function (dc, levels, tile) {
            return tile.level.levelNumber == levels.lastLevel().levelNumber || !tile.mustSubdivide(dc, this.detailControl);

         * Internal use only.
         * Count of pick operations. This is used to give a surface shape tile a unique pick sequence number if it is
         * participating in picking.
         * @type {Number}
        SurfaceShapeTileBuilder.pickSequence = 0;

        return SurfaceShapeTileBuilder;