Source: shapes/Placemark.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
 * by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind platform is licensed under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
 * at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
 * software:
 *    ES6-Promise – under MIT License
 *    libtess.js – SGI Free Software License B
 *    Proj4 – under MIT License
 *    JSZip – under MIT License
 * A complete listing of 3rd Party software notices and licenses included in
 * WebWorldWind can be found in the WebWorldWind 3rd-party notices and licenses
 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports Placemark
    function (ArgumentError,
              WWMath) {
        "use strict";

         * Constructs a placemark.
         * @alias Placemark
         * @constructor
         * @augments Renderable
         * @classdesc Represents a Placemark shape. A placemark displays an image, a label and a leader line connecting
         * the placemark's geographic position to the ground. All three of these items are optional. By default, the
         * leader line is not pickable. See [enableLeaderLinePicking]{@link Placemark#enableLeaderLinePicking}.
         * <p>
         * Placemarks may be drawn with either an image or as single-color square with a specified size. When the
         * placemark attributes indicate a valid image, the placemark's image is drawn as a rectangle in the
         * image's original dimensions, scaled by the image scale attribute. Otherwise, the placemark is drawn as a
         * square with width and height equal to the value of the image scale attribute, in pixels, and color equal
         * to the image color attribute.
         * <p>
         * By default, placemarks participate in decluttering with a [declutterGroupID]{@link Placemark#declutterGroup}
         * of 2. Only placemark labels are decluttered relative to other placemark labels. The placemarks themselves
         * are optionally scaled with eye distance to achieve decluttering of the placemark as a whole.
         * See [eyeDistanceScaling]{@link Placemark#eyeDistanceScaling}.
         * @param {Position} position The placemark's geographic position.
         * @param {Boolean} eyeDistanceScaling Indicates whether the size of this placemark scales with eye distance.
         * See [eyeDistanceScalingThreshold]{@link Placemark#eyeDistanceScalingThreshold} and
         * [eyeDistanceScalingLabelThreshold]{@link Placemark#eyeDistanceScalingLabelThreshold}.
         * @param {PlacemarkAttributes} attributes The attributes to associate with this placemark. May be null,
         * in which case default attributes are associated.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified position is null or undefined.
        var Placemark = function (position, eyeDistanceScaling, attributes) {
            if (!position) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Placemark", "constructor", "missingPosition"));


             * The placemark's attributes. If null and this placemark is not highlighted, this placemark is not
             * drawn.
             * @type {PlacemarkAttributes}
             * @default see [PlacemarkAttributes]{@link PlacemarkAttributes}
            this.attributes = attributes ? attributes : new PlacemarkAttributes(null);

             * The attributes used when this placemark's highlighted flag is true. If null and the
             * highlighted flag is true, this placemark's normal attributes are used. If they, too, are null, this
             * placemark is not drawn.
             * @type {PlacemarkAttributes}
             * @default null
            this.highlightAttributes = null;

             * Indicates whether this placemark uses its highlight attributes rather than its normal attributes.
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @default false
            this.highlighted = false;

             * This placemark's geographic position.
             * @type {Position}
            this.position = position;

             * Indicates whether this placemark's size is reduced at higher eye distances. If true, this placemark's
             * size is scaled inversely proportional to the eye distance if the eye distance is greater than the
             * value of the [eyeDistanceScalingThreshold]{@link Placemark#eyeDistanceScalingThreshold} property.
             * When the eye distance is below the threshold, this placemark is scaled only according to the
             * [imageScale]{@link PlacemarkAttributes#imageScale}.
             * @type {Boolean}
            this.eyeDistanceScaling = eyeDistanceScaling;

             * The eye distance above which to reduce the size of this placemark, in meters. If
             * [eyeDistanceScaling]{@link Placemark#eyeDistanceScaling} is true, this placemark's image, label and leader
             * line sizes are reduced as the eye distance increases beyond this threshold.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 1e6 (meters)
            this.eyeDistanceScalingThreshold = 1e6;

             * The eye altitude above which this placemark's label is not displayed.
             * @type {number}
            this.eyeDistanceScalingLabelThreshold = 1.5 * this.eyeDistanceScalingThreshold;

             * This placemark's textual label. If null, no label is drawn.
             * @type {String}
             * @default null
            this.label = null;

             * This placemark's altitude mode. May be one of
             * <ul>
             *  <li>[WorldWind.ABSOLUTE]{@link WorldWind#ABSOLUTE}</li>
             *  <li>[WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND]{@link WorldWind#RELATIVE_TO_GROUND}</li>
             *  <li>[WorldWind.CLAMP_TO_GROUND]{@link WorldWind#CLAMP_TO_GROUND}</li>
             * </ul>
             * @default WorldWind.ABSOLUTE
            this.altitudeMode = WorldWind.ABSOLUTE;

             * Indicates whether this placemark has visual priority over other shapes in the scene.
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @default false
            this.alwaysOnTop = false;

             * Indicates whether this placemark's leader line, if any, is pickable.
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @default false
            this.enableLeaderLinePicking = false;

             * Indicates whether this placemark's image should be re-retrieved even if it has already been retrieved.
             * Set this property to true when the image has changed but has the same image path.
             * The property is set to false when the image is re-retrieved.
             * @type {Boolean}
            this.updateImage = true;

             * Indicates the group ID of the declutter group to include this placemark. If non-zero, this placemark
             * is decluttered relative to all other shapes within its group.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 2
            this.declutterGroup = 2;

             * This placemark's target label visibility, a value between 0 and 1. During ordered rendering this
             * placemark modifies its [current visibility]{@link Placemark#currentVisibility} towards its target
             * visibility at the rate specified by the draw context's [fade time]{@link DrawContext#fadeTime} property.
             * The target visibility and current visibility are used to control the fading in and out of this
             * placemark's label.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 1
            this.targetVisibility = 1;

             * This placemark's current label visibility, a value between 0 and 1. This property scales the placemark's
             * effective label opacity. It is incremented or decremented each frame according to the draw context's
             * [fade time]{@link DrawContext#fadeTime} property in order to achieve this placemark's
             * [target visibility]{@link Placemark#targetVisibility}. This current visibility and target visibility are
             * used to control the fading in and out of this placemark's label.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 1
             * @readonly
            this.currentVisibility = 1;

             * The amount of rotation to apply to the image, measured in degrees clockwise and relative to this
             * placemark's [imageRotationReference]{@link Placemark#imageRotationReference}.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 0
            this.imageRotation = 0;

             * The amount of tilt to apply to the image, measured in degrees away from the eye point and relative
             * to this placemark's [imageTiltReference]{@link Placemark#imageTiltReference}. While any positive or
             * negative number may be specified, values outside the range [0. 90] cause some or all of the image to
             * be clipped.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 0
            this.imageTilt = 0;

             * Indicates whether to apply this placemark's image rotation relative to the screen or the globe.
             * If WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN, this placemark's image is rotated in the plane of the screen and
             * its orientation relative to the globe changes as the view changes.
             * If WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GLOBE, this placemark's image is rotated in a plane tangent to the globe
             * at this placemark's position and retains its orientation relative to the globe.
             * @type {String}
             * @default WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN
            this.imageRotationReference = WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN;

             * Indicates whether to apply this placemark's image tilt relative to the screen or the globe.
             * If WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN, this placemark's image is tilted inwards (for positive tilts)
             * relative to the plane of the screen, and its orientation relative to the globe changes as the view
             * changes. If WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GLOBE, this placemark's image is tilted towards the globe's surface,
             * and retains its orientation relative to the surface.
             * @type {string}
             * @default WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN
            this.imageTiltReference = WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN;

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.activeAttributes = null;

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.activeTexture = null;

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.labelTexture = null;

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.placePoint = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); // Cartesian point corresponding to this placemark's geographic position

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.groundPoint = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); // Cartesian point corresponding to ground position below this placemark

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.imageTransform = Matrix.fromIdentity();

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.labelTransform = Matrix.fromIdentity();

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.texCoordMatrix = Matrix.fromIdentity();

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.imageBounds = null;

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.layer = null;

            // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
            this.depthOffset = -0.003;

        // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.screenPoint = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); // scratch variable
        Placemark.matrix = Matrix.fromIdentity(); // scratch variable
        Placemark.scratchPoint = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); // scratch variable

        Placemark.prototype = Object.create(Renderable.prototype);

        Object.defineProperties(Placemark.prototype, {
             * Indicates the screen coordinate bounds of this shape during ordered rendering.
             * @type {Rectangle}
             * @readonly
             * @memberof Placemark.prototype
            screenBounds: {
                get: function () {
                    return this.labelBounds;

         * Copies the contents of a specified placemark to this placemark.
         * @param {Placemark} that The placemark to copy.
        Placemark.prototype.copy = function (that) {
            this.position = that.position;
            this.attributes = that.attributes;
            this.highlightAttributes = that.highlightAttributes;
            this.highlighted = that.highlighted;
            this.enabled = that.enabled;
            this.label = that.label;
            this.altitudeMode = that.altitudeMode;
            this.pickDelegate = that.pickDelegate;
            this.alwaysOnTop = that.alwaysOnTop;
            this.depthOffset = that.depthOffset;
            this.targetVisibility = that.targetVisibility;
            this.currentVisibility = that.currentVisibility;
            this.imageRotation = that.imageRotation;
            this.imageTilt = that.imageTilt;
            this.imageRotationReference = that.imageRotationReference;
            this.imageTiltReference = that.imageTiltReference;

            return this;

         * Creates a new placemark that is a copy of this placemark.
         * @returns {Placemark} The new placemark.
        Placemark.prototype.clone = function () {
            var clone = new Placemark(this.position);

            clone.pickDelegate = this.pickDelegate ? this.pickDelegate : this;

            return clone;

         * Renders this placemark. This method is typically not called by applications but is called by
         * {@link RenderableLayer} during rendering. For this shape this method creates and
         * enques an ordered renderable with the draw context and does not actually draw the placemark.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The current draw context.
        Placemark.prototype.render = function (dc) {
            if (!this.enabled) {

            if (!dc.accumulateOrderedRenderables) {

            if (dc.globe.projectionLimits
                && !dc.globe.projectionLimits.containsLocation(this.position.latitude, this.position.longitude)) {

            // Create an ordered renderable for this placemark. If one has already been created this frame then we're
            // in 2D-continuous mode and another needs to be created for one of the alternate globe offsets.
            var orderedPlacemark;
            if (this.lastFrameTime !== dc.timestamp) {
                orderedPlacemark = this.makeOrderedRenderable(dc);
            } else {
                var placemarkCopy = this.clone();
                orderedPlacemark = placemarkCopy.makeOrderedRenderable(dc);

            if (!orderedPlacemark) {

            if (!orderedPlacemark.isVisible(dc)) {

            orderedPlacemark.layer = dc.currentLayer;

            this.lastFrameTime = dc.timestamp;

         * Draws this shape as an ordered renderable. Applications do not call this function. It is called by
         * [WorldWindow]{@link WorldWindow} during rendering.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The current draw context.
        Placemark.prototype.renderOrdered = function (dc) {

            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                var po = new PickedObject(this.pickColor.clone(), this.pickDelegate ? this.pickDelegate : this,
                    this.position, this.layer, false);

                if (dc.pickPoint && this.mustDrawLabel()) {
                    if (this.labelBounds.containsPoint(
                            dc.convertPointToViewport(dc.pickPoint, Placemark.scratchPoint))) {
                        po.labelPicked = true;

         * Creates an ordered renderable for this shape.
         * @protected
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The current draw context.
         * @returns {OrderedRenderable} The ordered renderable. May be null, in which case an ordered renderable
         * cannot be created or should not be created at the time this method is called.
        Placemark.prototype.makeOrderedRenderable = function (dc) {
            var w, h, s,

            if (!this.activeAttributes) {
                return null;

            // Compute the placemark's model point and corresponding distance to the eye point. If the placemark's
            // position is terrain-dependent but off the terrain, then compute it ABSOLUTE so that we have a point for
            // the placemark and are thus able to draw it. Otherwise its image and label portion that are potentially
            // over the terrain won't get drawn, and would disappear as soon as there is no terrain at the placemark's
            // position. This can occur at the window edges.
            dc.surfacePointForMode(this.position.latitude, this.position.longitude, this.position.altitude,
                this.altitudeMode, this.placePoint);

            this.eyeDistance = this.alwaysOnTop ? 0 : dc.eyePoint.distanceTo(this.placePoint);

            if (this.mustDrawLeaderLine(dc)) {
                dc.surfacePointForMode(this.position.latitude, this.position.longitude, 0,
                    this.altitudeMode, this.groundPoint);

            // Compute the placemark's screen point in the OpenGL coordinate system of the WorldWindow by projecting its model
            // coordinate point onto the viewport. Apply a depth offset in order to cause the placemark to appear above nearby
            // terrain. When a placemark is displayed near the terrain portions of its geometry are often behind the terrain,
            // yet as a screen element the placemark is expected to be visible. We adjust its depth values rather than moving
            // the placemark itself to avoid obscuring its actual position.
            if (!dc.projectWithDepth(this.placePoint, this.depthOffset, Placemark.screenPoint)) {
                return null;

            var visibilityScale = this.eyeDistanceScaling ?
                Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1, this.eyeDistanceScalingThreshold / this.eyeDistance)) : 1;

            // Compute the placemark's transform matrix and texture coordinate matrix according to its screen point, image size,
            // image offset and image scale. The image offset is defined with its origin at the image's bottom-left corner and
            // axes that extend up and to the right from the origin point. When the placemark has no active texture the image
            // scale defines the image size and no other scaling is applied.
            if (this.activeTexture) {
                w = this.activeTexture.originalImageWidth;
                h = this.activeTexture.originalImageHeight;
                s = this.activeAttributes.imageScale * visibilityScale;
                offset = this.activeAttributes.imageOffset.offsetForSize(w, h);

                    Placemark.screenPoint[0] - offset[0] * s,
                    Placemark.screenPoint[1] - offset[1] * s,

                this.imageTransform.setScale(w * s, h * s, 1);
            } else {
                s = this.activeAttributes.imageScale * visibilityScale;
                offset = this.activeAttributes.imageOffset.offsetForSize(s, s);

                    Placemark.screenPoint[0] - offset[0],
                    Placemark.screenPoint[1] - offset[1],

                this.imageTransform.setScale(s, s, 1);

            this.imageBounds = WWMath.boundingRectForUnitQuad(this.imageTransform);

            // If there's a label, perform these same operations for the label texture.

            if (this.mustDrawLabel()) {

                this.labelTexture = dc.createTextTexture(this.label, this.activeAttributes.labelAttributes);

                w = this.labelTexture.imageWidth;
                h = this.labelTexture.imageHeight;
                s = this.activeAttributes.labelAttributes.scale * visibilityScale;
                offset = this.activeAttributes.labelAttributes.offset.offsetForSize(w, h);

                    Placemark.screenPoint[0] - offset[0] * s,
                    Placemark.screenPoint[1] - offset[1] * s,

                this.labelTransform.setScale(w * s, h * s, 1);

                this.labelBounds = WWMath.boundingRectForUnitQuad(this.labelTransform);

            return this;

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.determineActiveAttributes = function (dc) {
            if (this.highlighted && this.highlightAttributes) {
                this.activeAttributes = this.highlightAttributes;
            } else {
                this.activeAttributes = this.attributes;

            if (this.activeAttributes && this.activeAttributes.imageSource) {
                this.activeTexture = dc.gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(this.activeAttributes.imageSource);

                if (!this.activeTexture || this.updateImage) {
                    this.activeTexture = dc.gpuResourceCache.retrieveTexture(dc.currentGlContext,
                    this.updateImage = false;

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.isVisible = function (dc) {
            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                return dc.pickRectangle && (this.imageBounds.intersects(dc.pickRectangle)
                    || (this.mustDrawLabel() && this.labelBounds.intersects(dc.pickRectangle))
                    || (this.mustDrawLeaderLine(dc)
                        && dc.pickFrustum.intersectsSegment(this.groundPoint, this.placePoint)));
            } else {
                return this.imageBounds.intersects(dc.viewport)
                    || (this.mustDrawLabel() && this.labelBounds.intersects(dc.viewport))
                    || (this.mustDrawLeaderLine(dc)
                        && dc.frustumInModelCoordinates.intersectsSegment(this.groundPoint, this.placePoint));

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.drawOrderedPlacemark = function (dc) {

            try {
                if (!dc.pickingMode) {
            } finally {

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.drawBatchOrderedPlacemarks = function (dc) {
            // Draw any subsequent placemarks in the ordered renderable queue, removing each from the queue as it's
            // processed. This avoids the overhead of setting up and tearing down OpenGL state for each placemark.

            var or;

            while ((or = dc.peekOrderedRenderable()) && or.doDrawOrderedPlacemark) {
                dc.popOrderedRenderable(); // remove it from the queue

                try {
                } catch (e) {
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_WARNING, 'Placemark', 'drawBatchOrderedPlacemarks',
                        "Error occurred while rendering placemark using batching: " + e.message);
                // Keep going. Render the rest of the ordered renderables.

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.beginDrawing = function (dc) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext,


            // Configure GL to use the draw context's unit quad VBOs for both model coordinates and texture coordinates.
            // Most browsers can share the same buffer for vertex and texture coordinates, but Internet Explorer requires
            // that they be in separate buffers, so the code below uses the 3D buffer for vertex coords and the 2D
            // buffer for texture coords.
            program = dc.currentProgram;
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, dc.unitQuadBuffer());
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(program.vertexTexCoordLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

            // Tell the program which texture unit to use.
            program.loadTextureUnit(gl, gl.TEXTURE0);
            program.loadModulateColor(gl, dc.pickingMode);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.endDrawing = function (dc) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext,
                program = dc.currentProgram;

            // Clear the vertex attribute state.

            // Clear GL bindings.
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.doDrawOrderedPlacemark = function (dc) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext,
                program = dc.currentProgram,
                depthTest = true,

            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                this.pickColor = dc.uniquePickColor();

            if (this.eyeDistanceScaling && (this.eyeDistance > this.eyeDistanceScalingLabelThreshold)) {
                // Target visibility is set to 0 to cause the label to be faded in or out. Nothing else
                // here uses target visibility.
                this.targetVisibility = 0;

            // Compute the effective visibility. Use the current value if picking.
            if (!dc.pickingMode && this.mustDrawLabel()) {
                if (this.currentVisibility != this.targetVisibility) {
                    var visibilityDelta = (dc.timestamp - dc.previousRedrawTimestamp) / dc.fadeTime;
                    if (this.currentVisibility < this.targetVisibility) {
                        this.currentVisibility = Math.min(1, this.currentVisibility + visibilityDelta);
                    } else {
                        this.currentVisibility = Math.max(0, this.currentVisibility - visibilityDelta);
                    dc.redrawRequested = true;

            program.loadOpacity(gl, dc.pickingMode ? 1 : this.layer.opacity);

            // Draw the leader line first so that the image and label have visual priority.
            if (this.mustDrawLeaderLine(dc)) {
                if (!this.leaderLinePoints) {
                    this.leaderLinePoints = new Float32Array(6);

                this.leaderLinePoints[0] = this.groundPoint[0]; // computed during makeOrderedRenderable
                this.leaderLinePoints[1] = this.groundPoint[1];
                this.leaderLinePoints[2] = this.groundPoint[2];
                this.leaderLinePoints[3] = this.placePoint[0]; // computed during makeOrderedRenderable
                this.leaderLinePoints[4] = this.placePoint[1];
                this.leaderLinePoints[5] = this.placePoint[2];

                if (!this.leaderLineCacheKey) {
                    this.leaderLineCacheKey = dc.gpuResourceCache.generateCacheKey();

                var leaderLineVboId = dc.gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(this.leaderLineCacheKey);
                if (!leaderLineVboId) {
                    leaderLineVboId = gl.createBuffer();
                    dc.gpuResourceCache.putResource(this.leaderLineCacheKey, leaderLineVboId,
                        this.leaderLinePoints.length * 4);

                program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, false);
                program.loadColor(gl, dc.pickingMode ? this.pickColor :

                program.loadModelviewProjection(gl, Placemark.matrix);

                if (!this.activeAttributes.leaderLineAttributes.depthTest) {


                gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, leaderLineVboId);
                gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.leaderLinePoints, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
                gl.vertexAttribPointer(program.vertexPointLocation, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
                gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES, 0, 2);

            // Turn off depth testing for the placemark image if requested. The placemark label and leader line have
            // their own depth-test controls.
            if (!this.activeAttributes.depthTest) {
                depthTest = false;

            // Suppress frame buffer writes for the placemark image and its label.
            // tag, 6/17/15: It's not clear why this call was here. It was carried over from WWJ.

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, dc.unitQuadBuffer3());
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(program.vertexPointLocation, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

            // Compute and specify the MVP matrix.

            var actualRotation = this.imageRotationReference === WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GLOBE ?
                dc.navigator.heading - this.imageRotation : -this.imageRotation;
            Placemark.matrix.multiplyByTranslation(0.5, 0.5, 0);
            Placemark.matrix.multiplyByRotation(0, 0, 1, actualRotation);
            Placemark.matrix.multiplyByTranslation(-0.5, -0.5, 0);

            // Perform the tilt before applying the rotation so that the image tilts back from its base into
            // the view volume.
            var actualTilt = this.imageTiltReference === WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GLOBE ?
                dc.navigator.tilt + this.imageTilt : this.imageTilt;
            Placemark.matrix.multiplyByRotation(-1, 0, 0, actualTilt);

            program.loadModelviewProjection(gl, Placemark.matrix);

            // Enable texture for both normal display and for picking. If picking is enabled in the shader (set in
            // beginDrawing() above) then the texture's alpha component is still needed in order to modulate the
            // pick color to mask off transparent pixels.
            program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, true);

            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                program.loadColor(gl, this.pickColor);
            } else {
                program.loadColor(gl, this.activeAttributes.imageColor);

            if (this.activeTexture) {
            program.loadTextureMatrix(gl, this.texCoordMatrix);

            if (this.activeTexture) {
                textureBound = this.activeTexture.bind(dc); // returns false if active texture is null or cannot be bound
                program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, textureBound);
            } else {
                program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, false);

            // Draw the placemark's image quad.
            gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

            if (this.mustDrawLabel() && this.currentVisibility > 0) {
                program.loadOpacity(gl, dc.pickingMode ? 1 : this.layer.opacity * this.currentVisibility);

                program.loadModelviewProjection(gl, Placemark.matrix);

                if (!dc.pickingMode && this.labelTexture) {

                    program.loadTextureMatrix(gl, this.texCoordMatrix);
                    program.loadColor(gl, Color.WHITE);

                    textureBound = this.labelTexture.bind(dc);
                    program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, textureBound);
                } else {
                    program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, false);
                    program.loadColor(gl, this.pickColor);

                if (this.activeAttributes.labelAttributes.depthTest) {
                    if (!depthTest) {
                        depthTest = true;
                } else {
                    depthTest = false;

                gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

            if (!depthTest) {

            // tag, 6/17/15: See note on depthMask above in this function.

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.mustDrawLabel = function () {
            return this.label && this.label.length > 0 && this.activeAttributes.labelAttributes;

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.mustDrawLeaderLine = function (dc) {
            return this.activeAttributes.drawLeaderLine && this.activeAttributes.leaderLineAttributes
                && (!dc.pickingMode || this.enableLeaderLinePicking);

        // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.getReferencePosition = function () {
            return this.position;

        // Internal use only. Intentionally not documented.
        Placemark.prototype.moveTo = function (globe, position) {
            this.position = position;

        return Placemark;