Source: geom/Matrix3.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
 * by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind platform is licensed under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
 * software:
 *    ES6-Promise – under MIT License
 *    libtess.js – SGI Free Software License B
 *    Proj4 – under MIT License
 *    JSZip – under MIT License
 * A complete listing of 3rd Party software notices and licenses included in
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 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports Matrix3

    function (ArgumentError,
              Logger) {
        "use strict";

         * Constructs a 3 x 3  matrix.
         * @alias Matrix3
         * @constructor
         * @classdesc Represents a 3 x 3 double precision matrix stored in a Float64Array in row-major order.
         * @param {Number} m11 matrix element at row 1, column 1.
         * @param {Number} m12 matrix element at row 1, column 2.
         * @param {Number} m13 matrix element at row 1, column 3.
         * @param {Number} m21 matrix element at row 2, column 1.
         * @param {Number} m22 matrix element at row 2, column 2.
         * @param {Number} m23 matrix element at row 2, column 3.
         * @param {Number} m31 matrix element at row 3, column 1.
         * @param {Number} m32 matrix element at row 3, column 2.
         * @param {Number} m33 matrix element at row 3, column 3.
        var Matrix3 = function (m11, m12, m13,
                                m21, m22, m23,
                                m31, m32, m33) {
            this[0] = m11;
            this[1] = m12;
            this[2] = m13;
            this[3] = m21;
            this[4] = m22;
            this[5] = m23;
            this[6] = m31;
            this[7] = m32;
            this[8] = m33;

        // Derives from Float64Array.
        Matrix3.prototype = new Float64Array(9);

         * Creates an identity matrix.
         * @returns {Matrix3} A new identity matrix.
        Matrix3.fromIdentity = function () {
            return new Matrix3(
                1, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0,
                0, 0, 1

         * Sets this matrix to one that flips and shifts the y-axis.
         * <p>
         * The resultant matrix maps Y=0 to Y=1 and Y=1 to Y=0. All existing values are overwritten. This matrix is
         * usually used to change the coordinate origin from an upper left coordinate origin to a lower left coordinate
         * origin. This is typically necessary to align the coordinate system of images (top-left origin) with that of
         * OpenGL (bottom-left origin).
         * @returns {Matrix3} This matrix set to values described above.
        Matrix3.prototype.setToUnitYFlip = function () {
            this[0] = 1;
            this[1] = 0;
            this[2] = 0;
            this[3] = 0;
            this[4] = -1;
            this[5] = 1;
            this[6] = 0;
            this[7] = 0;
            this[8] = 1;
            return this;

         * Multiplies this matrix by a specified matrix.
         * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to multiply with this matrix.
         * @returns {Matrix3} This matrix after multiplying it by the specified matrix.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} if the specified matrix is null or undefined.
        Matrix3.prototype.multiplyMatrix = function (matrix) {
            if (!matrix) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Matrix3", "multiplyMatrix", "missingMatrix"));

            var ma = this,
                mb = matrix,
                ma0, ma1, ma2;

            // Row 1
            ma0 = ma[0];
            ma1 = ma[1];
            ma2 = ma[2];
            ma[0] = (ma0 * mb[0]) + (ma1 * mb[3]) + (ma2 * mb[6]);
            ma[1] = (ma0 * mb[1]) + (ma1 * mb[4]) + (ma2 * mb[7]);
            ma[2] = (ma0 * mb[2]) + (ma1 * mb[5]) + (ma2 * mb[8]);

            // Row 2
            ma0 = ma[3];
            ma1 = ma[4];
            ma2 = ma[5];
            ma[3] = (ma0 * mb[0]) + (ma1 * mb[3]) + (ma2 * mb[6]);
            ma[4] = (ma0 * mb[1]) + (ma1 * mb[4]) + (ma2 * mb[7]);
            ma[5] = (ma0 * mb[2]) + (ma1 * mb[5]) + (ma2 * mb[8]);

            // Row 3
            ma0 = ma[6];
            ma1 = ma[7];
            ma2 = ma[8];
            ma[6] = (ma0 * mb[0]) + (ma1 * mb[3]) + (ma2 * mb[6]);
            ma[7] = (ma0 * mb[1]) + (ma1 * mb[4]) + (ma2 * mb[7]);
            ma[8] = (ma0 * mb[2]) + (ma1 * mb[5]) + (ma2 * mb[8]);

            return this;


         * Multiplies this matrix by a matrix that transforms normalized coordinates from a source sector to a destination
         * sector. Normalized coordinates within a sector range from 0 to 1, with (0, 0) indicating the lower left corner
         * and (1, 1) indicating the upper right. The resultant matrix maps a normalized source coordinate (X, Y) to its
         * corresponding normalized destination coordinate (X', Y').
         * <p/>
         * This matrix typically necessary to transform texture coordinates from one geographic region to another. For
         * example, the texture coordinates for a terrain tile spanning one region must be transformed to coordinates
         * appropriate for an image tile spanning a potentially different region.
         * @param {Sector} src the source sector
         * @param {Sector} dst the destination sector
         * @returns {Matrix3} this matrix multiplied by the transform matrix implied by values described above
        Matrix3.prototype.multiplyByTileTransform = function (src, dst) {

            var srcDeltaLat = src.deltaLatitude();
            var srcDeltaLon = src.deltaLongitude();
            var dstDeltaLat = dst.deltaLatitude();
            var dstDeltaLon = dst.deltaLongitude();

            var xs = srcDeltaLon / dstDeltaLon;
            var ys = srcDeltaLat / dstDeltaLat;
            var xt = (src.minLongitude - dst.minLongitude) / dstDeltaLon;
            var yt = (src.minLatitude - dst.minLatitude) / dstDeltaLat;

            // This is equivalent to the following operation, but is potentially much faster:
            /*var m = new Matrix3(
                xs, 0, xt,
                0, ys, yt,
                0, 0, 1);

            // This inline version eliminates unnecessary multiplication by 1 and 0 in the matrix's components, reducing
            // the total number of primitive operations from 63 to 18.

            var m = this;

             // Must be done before modifying m0, m1, etc. below.
             m[2] += (m[0] * xt) + (m[1] * yt);
             m[5] += (m[3] * xt) + (m[4] * yt);
             m[8] += (m[6] * xt) + (m[6] * yt);

             m[0] *= xs;
             m[1] *= ys;

             m[3] *= xs;
             m[4] *= ys;

             m[6] *= xs;
             m[7] *= ys;

            return this;

         * Stores this matrix's components in column-major order in a specified array.
         * <p>
         * The array must have space for at least 9 elements. This matrix's components are stored in the array
         * starting with row 0 column 0 in index 0, row 1 column 0 in index 1, row 2 column 0 in index 2, and so on.
         * @param {Float32Array | Float64Array | Number[]} result An array of at least 9 elements. Upon return,
         * contains this matrix's components in column-major.
         * @returns {Float32Array} The specified result array.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified result array in null or undefined.
        Matrix3.prototype.columnMajorComponents = function (result) {
            if (!result) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Matrix3", "columnMajorComponents", "missingResult"));

            // Column 1
            result[0] = this[0];
            result[1] = this[3];
            result[2] = this[6];

            // Column 2
            result[3] = this[1];
            result[4] = this[4];
            result[5] = this[7];

            // Column 3
            result[6] = this[2];
            result[7] = this[5];
            result[8] = this[8];

            return result;

        return Matrix3;
