Source: formats/geojson/GeoJSONConstants.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
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 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
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 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports GeoJSONConstants
    function() {
        "use strict";

         * Provides GeoJSON string constants.
         * @alias GeoJSONConstants
         * @constructor
         * @classdesc Contains some GeoJSON string constants.
        var GeoJSONConstants = function () {};

        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_TYPE = "type";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_CRS = "crs";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_NAME = "name";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_BBOX = "bbox";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_COORDINATES = "coordinates";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_GEOMETRIES = "geometries";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_GEOMETRY = "geometry";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_PROPERTIES = "properties";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_FEATURES = "features";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_ID = "id";

        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_POINT = "Point";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_MULTI_POINT = "MultiPoint";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_LINE_STRING = "LineString";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_MULTI_LINE_STRING = "MultiLineString";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_POLYGON = "Polygon";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_MULTI_POLYGON = "MultiPolygon";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_GEOMETRY_COLLECTION = "GeometryCollection";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_FEATURE = "Feature";
        GeoJSONConstants.TYPE_FEATURE_COLLECTION = "FeatureCollection";

        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_CRS_NAME = "name";
        GeoJSONConstants.FIELD_CRS_LINK = "link";

        // Default Named CRS string
        // OGC CRS URNs such as "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" shall be preferred over legacy identifiers
        // such as "EPSG:4326"
        GeoJSONConstants.WGS84_CRS = "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84";
        GeoJSONConstants.EPSG4326_CRS = "EPSG:4326";

        return GeoJSONConstants;